I bought a huge amount of strawberries last week and I was trying to figure out what to do with them all. So I perused some recipes and combined a few ideas. It turned out awesome!
I started with a Dutch baby. To me it tastes like a thick crepe. We usually make one at least once on the weekend sprinkled with cinnamon and powdered sugar.
Heat oven to 400. While oven is heating place 9x12 glass pan in oven with a stick (or T less) of butter so that the butter melts.
Mix 1 cup flour, 1 cup milk, 1/4 cup sugar, 4 eggs, a sprinkle or so of cinnamon, a t. of vanilla. (Check on butter. Take it out of the oven when it is almost all melted.)
Pour batter into pan.
Bake for 15 minutes
Sift some powdered sugar on top.
This alone makes for a tastey treat.
I had already sliced up a bunch of strawberries and put 2-3 T of sugar on them so that they were making a nice syrup.
Next I took 1 package of cream cheese, a 1/4 cup or less of sugar, a dallop or so of plain yogurt (optional) and whipped until smooth.
I spread this mixture on the puffed pancake (Dutch Baby) and spooned the strawberries on top. Oh it was Heavenly.